Last 10 Blogs Shown

ZEROLOGON and why you may not actually be protected - September 25 2020 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Sametime v11 on CentOS 8....head meet desk - May 29 2020 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Changing NSF encryption on a server to AES? No, you’re not. - April 14 2020 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Creating a replica of an AES encrypted NSF - some issues - April 13 2020 - (Number of Comments: 0)
New features added with 9.0.1 Feature Pack 8 and beyond - February 29 2020 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Your Windows 10 Pro installation could be end of life - May 11 2019 - (Number of Comments: 0)
2018 Snark Review - December 18 2018 - (Number of Comments: 1)