Quickr Fix for Chrome 60+ - August 25 2017 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Want to run Quickr on Domino 8.5.3? Well now you can - oh, and IE 9 support - December 10 2012 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 26 is out - March 22 2012 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Domino Quickr 8.5.1 Fix Pack 25 available.....this is a big one folks - February 21 2012 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 FP 12 is available - January 29 2012 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Connectors 8.5 HF10 available - support for Notes 8.5.3 added - December 17 2011 - (Number of Comments: 5)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 11 has arrived - December 15 2011 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 10 available - November 21 2011 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 Fix Pack 9 available - October 26 2011 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Want to know the Quickr version and running QuickrD 8.5 or higher? - September 20 2011 - (Number of Comments: 2)
IBM Lotus Quickr Connectors - now with 64 bit goodness - aka HF7 - June 7 2011 - (Number of Comments: 6)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 FP3 hits the streets - April 3 2011 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Connectors 8.5 HF5 available - March 21 2011 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.5.1 FP1 is available (and a change to Fix Central) - February 26 2011 - (Number of Comments: 1)
Quickr Domino 8.5 Fix Pack 2 available - January 22 2011 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.5 Fix Pack 1 available - December 6 2010 - (Number of Comments: 1)
Quickr Connectors 8.5 HF3 is available - November 9 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.5 is now available - September 13 2010 - (Number of Comments: 5)
Quickr Domino 8.5 - new features, screenshots and overview - August 28 2010 - (Number of Comments: 7)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 16 available - fixes some Java issue - August 28 2010 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 15 available - August 19 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.2 FP 13 is available - July 10 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr 8.2 FP 12 and Connectors HF 8 now available - June 7 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
BlackBerry Client for Lotus Quickr now supports Quickr Domino - May 20 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino Fix Pack 11 released - May 5 2010 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Quickr Customization Examples on Lotus Greenhouse and OpenNTF - April 6 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Connector 8.2 HF7 is available - April 2 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
My first OpenNTF project QuickrD License Tracker - please don’t hurt me - March 13 2010 - (Number of Comments: 1)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 10 is available - March 9 2010 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Is Quickr Domino "Enterprise Ready"? (aka How good is Quickr?) - February 16 2010 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Quickr Connectors 8.2 HF 6 available - February 2 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 9 is available - February 2 2010 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 8 (FP8) available - January 27 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 7 (FP7) is available - December 30 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino Fix Fack 6 (FP6) is available - November 24 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.2 FP5 and HF4 available - and IBM have streamlined Fix Central - November 17 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 4 is available - October 2 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 3 available - September 4 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.1 FP 13 available - September 4 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Good Quickr idea from a STS customer - August 11 2009 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 2 is available, now able to upgrade from QP 6.5.1 or QP 7.0 - August 5 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr 8.2 Fix Pack 1 available - July 1 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr srolling angst and an IdeaJam - June 30 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Connector HF14 - for both Quickr Domino 8.1 and 8.2 - June 21 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies) - June 20 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Reminder : Quickr 8.2 What is new and improved call today at 11am EST - June 17 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Updated Domino Quickr versioning code - add versioning back after an upgrade - June 8 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
New Domino Quickr 8.1 HF10 and Connector HF13 - June 5 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Symantec Mail Security for Domino (SMSDOM) and Quickr - Title Missing from h_StdPageRead error - June 4 2009 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Training on the Quickr Connector just became a whole lot easier with 8.2 - June 1 2009 - (Number of Comments: 6)
Quickr 8.2 Upgrade Technote - May 31 2009 - (Number of Comments: 1)
Quickr 8.2 for Domino released and available for download - May 31 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr 8.2 due Thursday.....maybe - May 26 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr PoT day....time for some IdeaJam entries - May 20 2009 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Lotus Quickr is also affected by the applet security expiration - May 13 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Who would use a Quickr Utility Express Server? - May 12 2009 - (Number of Comments: 5)
Quickr Connectors HF 12 ( available on Fix Central - May 5 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
IBM and STS to host a Quickr Proof of Technology event in ATL on 5/20 - space limited - April 29 2009 - (Number of Comments: 1)
Quickr 8.1 FP9 for Domino is available (or and it has quite a few fixes - April 28 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit - April 26 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino upgrade - code to add implict versioning back to all forms and documents - April 11 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr for Domino 8.1 Fix Pack 8 English released - March 23 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino Fix Pack 7 for Windows Englsh now available - March 9 2009 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Quickr Domino now available in lots of languages - February 23 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino versioning gone again after upgrade - February 12 2009 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Fix Pack vs CCH vs MR - February 5 2009 - (Number of Comments: 5)
Quickr Connector HF11 available - February 4 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Fix Packs, fix packs, fix packs. Part 1 Quickr Domino 8.1 FP8106 - February 2 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino 8.1 FP5 is back again! For how long this time? - January 11 2009 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino fix pack 5 available. If you use FP3 or FP4 read the instructions. - January 7 2009 - (Number of Comments: 2)
Quickr Connectors HF10 is available - December 16 2008 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr Domino (or fix pack 3 release) - December 1 2008 - (Number of Comments: 1)
Quickr on Domino with Create Members - August 21 2008 - (Number of Comments: 5)