June 2010
Hybrid drive and Lotus Notes start up times - "Test 2 - a 1 year old desktop" - June 27 2010 - (Number of Comments: 2)
SSDs too expensive? See if a hybrid drive can improve Lotus Notes start up times - "Test 1 - a 4 year old laptop" - June 27 2010 - (Number of Comments: 9)
The absolute joys of Domino licensing - not - An interesting conversation about anonymous access - June 21 2010 - (Number of Comments: 11)
8.5.1 FP3 IF1 is available - togther with the "fix list" - June 17 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Are we all in the Yellow Vortex now? Spiraling to our own demise? - June 16 2010 - (Number of Comments: 6)
This Week in Lotus 003 posted - Duke vs Duke - June 14 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Running (or thinking of running) Domino on VMware - free Q&A webinar - June 14 2010 - (Number of Comments: 3)
Secure, internet email - made easy - meet Lotus Protector for Mail Encryption - June 9 2010 - (Number of Comments: 5)
Symantec have released a 64 bit version of SMSDOM - June 8 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
Quickr 8.2 FP 12 and Connectors HF 8 now available - June 7 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)
This Week in Lotus 002 available - and some back story - June 7 2010 - (Number of Comments: 0)