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Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit

Darren Duke  April 26 2009 07:30:00 AM
I really love Quickr, however to increase the size of any uploaded attachment requires several changes in several different places in both Domino and Quickr. In this example we will increase the maximum upload size of any attachment to 50MB (50,000KB).

1) In the Server Document, change the "Maximum size of request" field under the "Internet Protocols/HTTP" tab. This will be in KB to the maximum size you require:

Image:Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit
Image:Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit

2) In the Server Document, change the "Maximum POST data" field under the "Internet Protocols/Domino Web Engine" tab. This will be in KB to the maximum size you require:

Image:Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit
Image:Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit

3) Save and close the server document

4) Log in to Quickr as a site admin (ie, qpadmin) and navigate the the "Site Administration" link at the bottom of the screen and open the "Other Options" screen, Change the "Maximum Attachment Size" to the maximum size you require in KB:

Image:Increase the Quickr Domino file upload limit

5) Save and close (in this case the "Next" button).

6) Restart the HTTP task on the Domino Server.

7) You now can add larger files to Quickr both from the web interface and via the connectors.
