Print Avery Lables from Notes - how to
This came about when the intern (who owes me at least two blog posts and yes, I am guilting her out here) was looking to print some shipping labels. I was tasked with getting the data from a spreadsheet into a mail merge to print labels. When I asked why I was doing this, a very common issue arose - spreadsheets and word processors are far more familiar than Notes to most users as there is usually no training provided for Notes (intern included, which I guess is my fault....doh). Long story short, very few Notes users know about the label printing as it is not exactly obvious and a bit convoluted (really?).
Anyway, the STS CRM (a really, really pimped out PAB) was the source of the spreadsheet. Now, I really, really love to write code, it is the software engineer in me. However, as the old adage from back at college goes.....
Good programmers write good code.
Great programmers steal good code.
....I am always looking for an easy way out while maintaining a James Bond like composure. So I showed some of the STS peeps this little gem of Lotus Notes goodness:
1) Open the contact database of choice, in this case a R8 contacts database and select the contacts you wish to print labels for:
2) Select File/Print:
3) Select the "Documents Style" tab, "Print multiple documents on each page", the select the label of choice:
4) Print it out (here is a print preview):
Also remember, this will only work if you select documents not on a whole view. Selecting these can be a bit tedious if the view is large. If this is the case just create a folder and drag the contacts into that. When you've dragged all the label contacts in there, open the folder, CTRL+A (select all) and then print.
Easy, simple, no code.
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Comments (4)
For those who want to leverage this printing in other applications:
I am working on leveraging this functionality in a custom database that prints price tags for a retail store. I never knew about this printing functionality until very recently and discovered some good information about programming it in the Designer Help file. However, one temporary problem is that in Notes 8.5 and earlier, contact-style printing feature only works with local NSF's. However, Lotus Support confirmed server-based printing using contact-style printing will work in 8.5.1.
And I guess this would have been a good point to make, for some reason this ONLY works on local NSF files. Hold your breath for 8.5.1 coming approx 74 days from now.
Great blog on label printing. I am new to labeling and have recently started doing my own <a href="{">barcode label printing</a>. Glad to find a great post on labels, am doing a bit of research to help me out. } label printing</a>. Glad to find a great post on labels, am doing a bit of research to help me out.
Thanks again
Never knew this - Great tip