It amazes me how many times I am asked the following, or some variation thereof:
how to do get the latest version of Notes/Domino/Quickr?

where do I get the Tivoli Directory Integrator entitlement for Domino?

Literally a few times every month. As this appears to be a common issue, it is time for a blog.

1) Browse to and click the sign in link:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

2) If you have an ID already use that or create a new one:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

3) To get to the downloads click on the "Software download & media access" link:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

4) If you agree to the terms (you did read them right? Sure you did) click "I accept":
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

5) Click "Download Finder":
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

6) Select the product group you are interested in and "Continue" (hint, Domino or Notes has the most entitlements so if freebies is you game, pick that name):
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

7) Select you language and OS(s):
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)
and if you want to see previous versions also select that radio button:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)
and/or if you want to see other entitlements/freebies also select that radio button:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

8) Depending on the options you selected in (7) you will see new two expandable sections:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)
and get your previous version and entitlements:
Image:How to access IBM Passport Advantage, get latest releases and entitlements (aka freebies)

There you have it, Sametime, Quickr Entry (although this is a strange one), TDI and various utilities (Run As, etc) and all currently IBM supported versions.

If you need any help getting these to work, contact STS, we're pretty good at this stuff.
Darren Duke   |   June 20 2009 03:51:29 PM   |    lotus notes  domino  quickr  sametime    |  
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