No, I haven't yet created a "Potential Wife" database, but when I do it'll be posted on Maybe this would be a good use of "xxxPages". If you attended Bob Balaban and Paul Mooney's BoF session (admin vs developer) at LS09 you heard my wife, Lisa, mention that we met (and eventually married) due to Lotus Notes. "That was some trouble ticket", as someone said in the session!

Back in those days there was neither Blogging nor Twittering so we actually had to go and visit (shock, horror) end users to gather requirements and train people. Lisa worked in the "International" division so there were tons of young and impressionable hotties that worked there (Lisa included) so all the developers would fight as to who would go down there. Needless to say I won. A lot.

Moral of the story. Hang up your Tweet for a few hours and you too could get a hottie to show of at LS! This was back in 1997 so I'd forgotten all about it being a man and all. Anyway are there any other "romantic" links in the community?
Darren Duke   |   January 26 2009 05:45:00 AM   |     |  
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