October 25 2010 Monday
This Week In Lotus - the greatest hits - and a free book
Every few or days or so there is a tweet or a Linked-In message asking about early episodes of This Week In Lotus. I love the fact that new listeners are going back to earlier episodes so if you are looking for earlier ones, simply go to the TWiL site and look on the right side of the page for the "Archives" section. Start at the bottom and work up.

While we are on the topic of TWiL there various ways to stalk contact Stuart McIntyre and myself including but not limited to:
This Week In Lotus blog
@ThisWeekInLotus on Twitter
This Week In Lotus Group on Linked-In
and of course iTunes
In fact Stuart currently has a conversation going on Linked-In about what you, the listeners, want us to cover in future episodes.
As a reminder through this coming Thursday at midnight Pacific time we are running a competition to win the excellent IBM Lotus Sametime Essentials - A User's Guide by Marie Scott and Tom Duff. Simply send an email to ideas@thisweekinlotus.com with Sametime book in the subject to be entered to win one of two books sent to us by the kind folks a Packt publishing.
While we are on the topic of TWiL there various ways to stalk contact Stuart McIntyre and myself including but not limited to:
This Week In Lotus blog
@ThisWeekInLotus on Twitter
This Week In Lotus Group on Linked-In
and of course iTunes
In fact Stuart currently has a conversation going on Linked-In about what you, the listeners, want us to cover in future episodes.
As a reminder through this coming Thursday at midnight Pacific time we are running a competition to win the excellent IBM Lotus Sametime Essentials - A User's Guide by Marie Scott and Tom Duff. Simply send an email to ideas@thisweekinlotus.com with Sametime book in the subject to be entered to win one of two books sent to us by the kind folks a Packt publishing.