It is the 20th-ish day of the month so that means this months fix pack is available. As usual go get it from IBM Fix Central.

Fixes included:

12/17/2009 ESEO7YFN8Z Under certain circumstances, a specific security issue acts differently depending on the user’s access level.
12/17/2009 RTIN7YANTU Place name is missing within an email sent from Place Administration.
12/17/2009 XNXN7Y5DBS When sending notifications, if the user is a member of a local group which includes both internal and external users or groups, the user’s email address may be incorrect.
12/17/2009 BTLW7YHA8M In certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash with a buffer overrun when assigning a Task to a user.
12/16/2009 TMEN5WAE9E Under certain circumstances, a document based on a custom form with a notify field will give an error "Quickplace Exception, Buffer Overflow Exception".
12/16/2009 NXLE7X46JC User login issues when a Quickr server has been configured to share SSO with Websphere Portal.
12/16/2009 TJOR7Y3T8F When changing the order of documents in an Ordered List folder the entries may not appear in the order set.
12/16/2009 CLOH7Y4FKB Notification email not set to a user that has the same first/last name as a different person, but in a different organizational unit.
12/16/2009 HMON7XJSCS When sending a member invitation, the login password for the user is not sent if that user is a Local user.
12/16/2009 No SPR Domino server on AIX may crash when running “qptool register -install”  if that place allows anonymous users.
12/09/2009 HMON7YBNJG Moving a room in the web client where the room’s title contains an apostrophe (‘), the move fails.
12/09/2009 ESEO7YHPPW Headline Folder doesn't show folder navigator when that headline folder contains only folders.
12/09/2009 GALI7XJEWN The What's New Component is not available to Anonymous users.
12/08/2009 CWIR7WNN9Z Place manager's id as shown in place invitation should be configurable to use cn instead of displayName.
(see fix CWIR7WNN9Z in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)
12/08/2009 PNOT7XYQUZ Enhancement:  Optional hyperlink at bottom of place invitation to allow adding the place to the new member's connectors.
(see fix PNOT7XYQUZ in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)
12/08/2009 KABS7XNP56 Under certain circumstances, a Folder may become unreachable in a room.
12/08/2009 XZSU7WY874 Sometimes clicking on “Usage Statistics” will bring you to “My Places”.
12/08/2009 SSHD74UNAF Integrated Sametime chat over port 80 or via reverse proxy fails.
12/08/2009 AHEL76KUHT Uploading a file through connectors that is larger than the maximum allowed will appear as if the upload was successful, but then appear as a 0k file
(It is important to follow the instructions defined for fix ESEO7PUUTQ in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)
12/08/2009 MMOI7XW54P Cannot use qptool’s changemember command to convert Active Directory names.
12/08/2009 RTIN7Y3U4K Notifications sent from Place Administration send text double spaced.
12/01/2009 CSTS7WYMP8 In certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash when running the command  "qptool report -policyexecute”
12/01/2009 CSTS7WKKBW In certain circumstances, the Domino server may crash on AIX during a move folder operation in Connectors
12/01/2009 CWIR7XUV8C Using Domino Native Authentication, cannot search for member based on last name.
(see fix  CWIR7XUV8C  in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)
12/01/2009 RALF7XUJRH When selecting the number of places to display in My Places, that preferences is not saved the next time My Places is visited.

Darren Duke   |   December 30 2009 02:36:03 PM   |    quickr    |  
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