March 25 2013 Monday

Android Traveler updates in 9

As you would expect the icons have changed:

Image:Android Traveler updates in 9

But you now also get a monthly view in the calendar, along with a handy "Create new event...." at the bottom:

Image:Android Traveler updates in 9

Here's hoping we see "pull down to refresh" and "hold to create event in time-slot" soon as well......
Darren Duke   |   March 25 2013 05:02:21 PM   |    traveler  9    |  
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1 - Christoph Arras    03/27/2013 2:48:08 AM

The new icons and the monthly view with the "Create new event...." at the bottom came already with 8.5.3UP2 ( 201211280928)...