Go to preferences, mail, sending and receiving:

Image:Don’t forget to turn on the new 8.5.3 mail notification "slide out"

Select slide out summary and watch the sexiness happen.

When new mail arrives you will see a slide out window at the bottom right of you screen:

Image:Don’t forget to turn on the new 8.5.3 mail notification "slide out"

Note that the pop up is tied to the "Check for new mail every x" interval and doesn't seem to be tied to the auto refresh inbox timing.

Darren Duke   |   October 18 2011 07:18:04 AM   |    8.5.3    |  
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Comments (10)

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1 - Mark O’Hara       10/18/2011 8:16:03 AM

If you have the secondary monitor set to the RIGHT of the primary, the new mail summary will be on the secondary monitor instead of the primary.

{ http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21567952 }

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2 - Dragon Cotterill       10/18/2011 9:03:35 AM

And watch out if you have vertical monitors. I have a vertical monitor (1050x1680) to the left of my main monitor (1920x1200) aligned to the top and I kept wondering why I couldn't see the slide in. It WAS sliding in, but into the hidden gap to the bottom right of both monitors, effectively off screen.

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3 - Aleksey       10/18/2011 12:23:46 PM

It works only for inbox folder, if you have other folders and rules for to place new mail to folders it does not work

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4 - Stephen Bailey    http://www.bdrthermea.com    10/19/2011 6:17:24 AM

Sexiness? Really?

Darren, I love the enthusiasm that you so often show in Lotus innovations, but surely you agree that this is a feature that should have been in the product years ago? Outlook users have been laughing at us for years for not having this function, and many others. (A view that displays what folders an email is in, is another example).

I don't really think this is an innovation, just something that should have been there a long time ago.

On the plus side, it works, and I like it, although it does seem to remind me that new email is there more than once...


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5 - Darren Duke    http://blog.darrenduke.net    10/19/2011 2:33:49 PM

@4, you have a point, but I'm sure I didn't use the word "innovation" ;)

As you correctly point out, this is long overdue, but credit where credit is due. IBM did have this out in the Greenhouse as a widget back in 8.0.1 or 8.0.2 so I like to see them add the good stuff back to core. That and widgets are still a pain to manage.

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6 - Ben Rose    http://www.jaffacake.net    08/23/2012 5:08:31 AM

Trying to get this to work with 3-displays. Seems impossible to get the slide-in to work on anything but the right hand display.


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7 - Hans Miller    http://www.mortenson.com    09/11/2012 12:37:06 PM

I'm seeing a notes client lockup for 5-10 seconds just before the slide in slides in. Seems to be consistant across my users.

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.


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8 - Darren Duke    http://blog.darrenduke.net    09/12/2012 6:48:38 AM

Nope, not seen that. I do have an issue there mine has some how become "minimized" and all I can see is the Windows title bar and not any content :(

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9 - David Reich       05/23/2013 1:08:54 PM

My experience with the summary started while I was still using a 6.5 template mail box and the 8.5.3 client. In that situation the summaries would accurately reflect the new mail that had arrived, whether it was in the inbox, or a rule had placed it in another folder. I was disappointed to see that change when I upgraded my mailbox to 8.5. The summary is less than useful when it keeps infoming me that the same unread email is in the inbox when new mail arrives. Now I have the summary collapsed and am using it as a better visual indicator for when new mail arrives than the tray icon.

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10 - Mike       11/20/2013 4:35:40 AM

hello there im new administrator of lotus domino 8.5.3 i need guide i have learned all the basic things i want to be advance administrator i have searched alot for administrating in 8.5.3 i didnt find proper books to read with snapshots can anyone help me ?