Over the past few weeks, STS has done a boat load of Domino upgrades from R6.5 to R8.5. Before Jan 2009 when 8.5 was released I would have presumed (wrongly) that there weren't really that many 6.5 (or lower) installs hanging around.

In order to make this known to the yellow bubble and squeaks I decided to post a weekly count down to inform all those on the fence (you know who you are) that, in best Jack Bauer speak.....bo, beep, bo, beep......time is running out and you need to start planning this NOW.

There are reasons beyond support, just search this blog for DAOS and you'll find a few and the 8.5 Technical Brief over on the STS site has a few too.

Note to IBM, many, many IT decision makers (of a pretty sizable seat counts) do not seem to understand that 8.5 is an automatic entitlement  provided they are on support. You need to make this a priority message to the install base, and you need to this quickly. I think this is because the support invoices go to AP and it is just a budget line item for IT. Anyway, that needs to be addressed.

Bo, beep, bo, beep.........

If it makes you feel better if you are still on 6.5, you have just under 24,000,000 seconds ;)
Darren Duke   |   July 28 2009 06:23:52 AM   |    domino  lotus notes    |  
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