September 4 2009 Friday

Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 3 available

I guess it is fix pack post day! Get it at IBM Fix Central.

Image:Quickr Domino 8.2 Fix Pack 3 available
Fixes include:

08/19/2009 DAMC7UEGVR Notification email is not sent when creating an Online Meeting.
08/19/2009 MMOI7UGHUD When opening an .html file from connectors, you may get an error downloading the file.
08/19/2009 RALF7UPM8L Formatting is sometimes lost on Quickr pages.
08/14/2009 ESEO7TXSBY When sending a notification from within a room, all members of place get notified when only the room members should.
08/14/2009 RALF7UPM8L Place CSS files being downloaded to browser have a negative max-age setting.
08/07/2009 RELS73ZRCE Within Site Administration, when changing user directory to LDAP and selecting to use Credentials, when entering a valid username / password, message given is “Ok with Anonymous access”.
08/07/2009 KABS7TYUUG qptool refresh re-creates mail-in database documents.
08/07/2009 PKAY7RHMRR When attachments are added using Connectors and the Quickr server is running on AIX, modification time of the file may be off.
08/03/2009 ESEO7TTSCK When Quickr is configured for Active Directory if you log in, then log out and then attempt to log in with a bad password then check the number of bad password attempts, it will show 2.
08/03/2009 KABS7S9G28 Issues with members of External Groups if the member is also a member of a Local Group
08/03/2009 DTRR7PDKB3 When deleting a place that has a subroom, the subroom does not get removed.
08/03/2009 DAMC7U2DRP Active Directory groups added using Directory Assistance gets displays as the DN when it should be the CN.
08/03/2009 DWDW7TQ96X Duplicate place names may appear in the listing of places for non-admin users.
08/03/2009 MPUL7UD2X7 After running qptool upgrade, editors can edit Team Place News, Welcome and Team Goals
08/03/2009 THSE7UGJJU Domino server may terminate when using Connections and a user tries to unassociated a Quickr place from the Connections community when the place has already been deleted.
08/03/2009 MPUL7UCKN7 Using Domino Catalog Search where places are not clustered to the Catalog Search server and then doing a search on all places from a different server results in an invalid URL error.
08/03/2009 MPUL7UFK9A When performing an Advanced Search while using a Domino Catalog Search and then clicking on My Places results in a page with no formatting.
07/27/2009 DAMC7TYJJX "You can not take this action from this URL" error when clicking Latest News link in Newsletter mail.
07/27/2009 GAKI7TDKJ2 Quickr ActiveX does not support MS Word’s .docm format.
07/27/2009 RALF7TQMDN When dragging a folder in Connectors to the Explorer, if one of the files in the folder is based off an imported Microsoft Word or Excel document, that file will not get copied.
07/27/2009 GAKI7TGCL3 Show Folder Navigator does not sort correctly when folder names contain numbers.
07/27/2009 RTIN7RTH34 Different results occur when you delete a response that has a response by using the drop down action as opposed to selecting the document and then selecting More Actions and then Delete.

Darren Duke   |   September 4 2009 12:39:29 PM   |    quickr    |  
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