Many more fixes than were in FP5. As usual pick it up over at IBM Fix Central.

Oh, for Quickr 8.2.

Fixes included.....
11/17/2009 RTIN7WFLWB Backslash character not allowed in the comment field of a notification.
11/17/2009 KABS7WSQGV Problem with Custom MetaData drop-down in Connectors, when choices contain ampersand (&)
11/16/2009 RTIN7WULGT When trying to send notifcations from a room, specific members of local groups are not individually selectable.
11/16/2009 RALF7X9QLS QPTool RemoveMember command does not remove the user from the PlaceCatalog.
11/16/2009 TJOR7W8K7F You will receive a 404 error when logging out in Firefox when your Quickr server uses "/Quickplace" as it’s directory.
11/16/2009 GALI7X2GYC Uploading a file using the Drag and Drop target when in a folder that has a custom form with a mandatory field, the upload will fail.
11/16/2009 KABS7XGLGZ Form fields are being scrubbed automatically with the new XSS code, need a way to allow live HTML in some fields.
(See the “Additional Information for special fixes” section for more information on this fix.)
11/16/2009 CSTS7TZJNQ With logasio enabled in Domino and the Quickr DOLS offline support dll (nqpextmgr.dll) enabled in Domino’s notes.ini, logasio doesn’t terminate after Domino shutdown on Win32.
11/12/2009 TSNG7XA9CJ Using Directory Assistance, users that contain commas in their DN are not login to a place.
11/12/2009 JJIO7TX4MQ BLOG_DESIGN and WIKI_DESIGN are deleted by the command “load qptool remove -a -now”
11/12/2009 XZSU7X3A8P User located in an LDAP group integrated through Directory Assistance cannot access room contents.
11/12/2009 ASHH7X8DR8 With versioning enabled, Library documents may become non-versioned when replacing the file from the Connectors.
11/12/2009 JRIE7G4JL4 When importing a PowerPoint presentation, during preview if the user clicks zoom, it will zoom to a very large size, bigger than what can fit on the screen.
11/12/2009 RALF7X2MNG Notifying option in a room does not allow to send to individual members.
11/12/2009 TSNG7W76E2 “Check in” button missing when in a Wiki document’s 'Draft In Progress' tab
11/12/2009 CTRP6MMUE8 ‘To’ field, when sending a notification, can only have a maximum of 1024 characters.
11/12/2009 KSAA7WTDFX During Move/Copy folder option in Quickr web, if user is editor, when they select where to move/copy the folder, they can not expand the folder list.
11/07/2009 MPUL7XHKBD Notification mail fails if LDAP hierarchical groups begin with # character.
11/03/2009 DAMY7X3GNZ Mail sent to groups when 'EXPAND_EXTERNAL_GROUPS' is set to False is delivered to wrong email address
11/03/2009 XNXN7XACR3
Issues with Manage Membership dialog when Group name starts with a pound sign (#).
11/01/2009 MPUL7WYJ6X In Connectors, upload / move of files sometimes makes the place unusable via the web UI.
11/01/2009 RALF7WUQL6 When using custom form to create a document in a clustered environment, duplicate entries gets created after replication.
11/01/2009 XZSU7WN9CL When two users with the same CN are added with different authentication to a place, both users end up with the more restrictive authentication.
11/01/2009 JRIE7WSQCY Room Access not set correctly by adding groups.
11/01/2009 CMCH7WCCMR Issues with notifications sent to LDAP groups beginning with the pound sign (#)
10/27/2009 RTIN7W6JPZ When “Show Member List to Members and Authors” is unchecked in Customize / Basics, the list of members can still be gotten by sending a notification.
10/27/2009 KABS7WKFSG When user logs in and then presses the browser’s back button and logs in as another user, Folder options is not in the More Actions drop down.
10/27/2009 JRIE7UEJB5 When deleting a file within a post, the confirmation dialog has garbage characters in the file name.
10/27/2009 MMOI7SQP8R Default value for user’s phone number in LDAP is not the default value that Quickr uses.
10/27/2009 CSTS7R5QS4 Document added via Mail using a Notes Mail Rule will not display properly in Quickr.
10/27/2009 CMCH7WCCMR Notifications can't be sent to LDAP groups starting with the pound # character.
10/27/2009 CNKE7WT9CM In My Places, ‘Next” and ‘Last” hyperlink is incorrect if there are less than 10 places listed.

Darren Duke   |   November 24 2009 11:55:36 AM   |    quickr    |  
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